Saturday, April 23, 2011

Sometimes it's the little things that matter most

My nephew and his girlfriend slept over last night. We stayed up quite late chatting and went to bed around 1am. With a puppy in the house it means you don't get to sleep in forever, but we did sleep until a little after 8am. Romeo was more than happy to paw at the guest bedroom door to see our guests and was quite content to lay with them and enjoy cuddling and being cuddled.
We went out for breakfast this morning to one of my favourite places (Edna Fedya) then went to one of my next favourite places (Starbucks) then drove around a bit and showed me nephew and his girlfriend some of the local flooding near the river.
After the tour, we went to visit my nephew's great-aunt. She's an absolute gem of a lady - sweet like candy and ADORABLE! I haven't seen her in almost a year, but the craziest thing is, even though she's a little grayer than I remember, she has the face of someone at least 25 years her junior! She's 82 and doesn't have a single wrinkle - not one!
We spent some time with her, then my sister and her husband came to visit as well. My brother-in-law's Dad and this lady are brother and sister (how confusing!).
Her brother (90 years old) had a fall recently and broke his hip and fractured his femur. He's been in the hospital for the last month in Toronto, and she's not been able to speak with him because she couldn't seem to navigate the automated system to the hospital's phone system, and she was having an awful time with feedback from her hearing aide and the phone.
I asked her if her phones were hearing aide compatible and she wasn't sure what I meant, so I went and checked all her phones but was disappointed to find that they didn't have any settings to make the situation any better.
My brother-in-law suggested that we hit up an electronics store to see if we could find a hearing aide compatible phone. I made a few phone calls and we decided to head out to London Drugs to buy a phone for her.
We came back, set up the phone for her, and made a phone call to the hospital so she could speak with her brother. The phone worked splendidly and she was able to speak with him without any issues from her hearing aide for the first time in over a month! She truly looked like she was about to cry she was so happy!
It was like one of those documentaries that you see where someone is born deaf but, through the miracle of surgery, is able to hear for the first time. Or it's like seeing in black-and-white your whole life and then seeing in colour. I could hardly believe something that small could make such a difference. The joy on her face is not something that I will easily or quickly forget, and it was yet another reminder to appreciate everything we take for granted.
After our visit, we went to my niece's for dinner - veggie burgers, salad, and vegan cake. It was actually really good, and I'll definitely make it in the future for some special people (you know who you are!)
It's been another event-filled day, and I'm looking forward to a good night's sleep.

Sweet dreams ...

1 comment:

  1. little things make a huge difference

    Congrats on the new blog

